
Me a Mentor?

It almost makes me laugh to hear that because I am not sure that I will be able to help people when they need help. I have always been awful at knowing what to say in bad situations and my confidence is low in thinking that I will be efficient in that area. I am hoping that after the Georgia Transplant Foundation's training on May 19 I will be a little better. I think that it will be easier once I get into it. I have been through what my mentees(sounds funny!) are going through so I should be able to help, right? Anyways, I have not been able to attend the past couple of trainings due to prior engagements and had a concert planned for the same date as this one. I finally broke down and decided that it is more important for me to do this than to go to a concert. Luckily, it is an all-day concert so I don't have to worry about missing the headliner because I will head over there after the training. (Come to think of it, I don't even know who the headliner is!)

Things are have been and will continue to be nuts until the end of school which is 2 weeks away. Then I get my long break from teaching. I need it!! I have been down lately, but after praying and trying to figure out what is going on with me, I think I am just mentally overloaded. There has been a ton happen to me in the past year and I have not really allowed myself to just relax. I also tend to assume other people's problems that keeps me stressed out when there is no real need for it. I always want to do more and more and forget that it will all come with time and patience.

I have started attending a Bible study group on Sunday evenings at a church in Gainesville. I am really enjoying it and the people who are part of the group are terrific. It was a married group until a few weeks ago and they opened it up to people who were in their mid 20's to 30's. It is still made up of mostly married people so I am in the minority. They are a very close knit group and hopefully they will assimilate us into the group soon. They are all friendly and have been more than welcoming up to this point. I am not sure if any of them read this, but if they do, I would like to say, "Thank you." I look forward to my Sunday nights now....even though I still have to go to work on Monday. Something needs to be done about that!

I am looking forward to school ending and a trip to Florida that I have planned. The only thing I want to do when I get down there is to try surfing. I don't know why I have always wanted to try it. It looks cool and all but me being a good ol' boy it should be on the bottom of my stereotypical list. I guess I am not very stereotypical though when I'm compared to people from around here. I do not hunt, because I like to be warm. I like to fish, but I rarely do it. Surfing appeals to me for some reason. I think it just looks peaceful, with little spurts of intense activity. We will soon find out if I am cut out for it!

I guess that is enough rambling for now. I have gotten serious about writing my letter too. I have written a few drafts but not totally comfortable with what I want to say yet. I will be putting more up about that soon hopefully.

1 comment:

Sarah's Blog said...

Yeah, you don’t really fit into the stereo type of a country boy. I like to think you’re in your own unique category. You are definitely “One of a kind.” I have faith that you are going to be a great surfer. I’ve seen many people do it before with not even an ounce of your determination. Florida is going to be plenty of fun and so it this summer! I’m looking forward to getting you out of the house more (oh and myself too).