3 days before surgery....nice tan huh?? haha!! Weighing in around 135!

2 weeks after surgery....probably floating between 125 and 130 pounds.

3 months after surgery

7 months after surgery

9 months after surgery....weighing in around 150 pounds now.
The exciting life of a liver transplant recipient.
Josh -- you (AND the scar) are looking great! You'll be celebrating your "transpliversary" before you know it....
Happy New Year!
You look great, Josh! I keep up with you through the grapevine (aka Lindsey) :) and it sounds like you are doing great!
Miss you :)
It was great to see you the other day. I didn't realize you had a liver problem until I stumbled across your my space page... I'm so glad to see you are recovering well.
What do you teach? Just curious...
Here's praying things continue to look up for you.
Lisa G. Dale (Polk)
P.S. If you talk to Janine or Lindsey tell them I said hi :)
hey man,
It was good to see you the other night at Buster's (calm down people, he was only drinking water), I actually remember you being there. I hope you can come out more often or as often as possible. Don't know where we are watching the Superbowl yet but I'll certainly let you know.
nice pics,
hey sweet boy! you are looking great!!
Always thinking about you J.
God is holding you ever so gently in his hands. He is a God true to his word. God has heard your prayers and though you may not feel it at times, always remember that faith is not a feeling nor emotion but a belief. Keep believing God for your healing.
Josh, you are a living, walking testimony. You have one more friend on your side. ME.
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