The year started off great for me but quickly turned sour. On January 2, I was heading home when I hit black ice and totaled my truck. The truck hit a telephone pole on the driver's side door. Luckily, the only car and person involved was me. I don't think that it knocked me out, except maybe a few seconds. I was conscious when a friend drove up and took me to the hospital. They put 13 staples in my head and did their tests which revealed a cracked vertebrae. I am blessed to be walking and I do not scoff at the new miracle God has afforded me. It's nice to know that my God loves me!
Once they called my liver team, I was sent to Emory to be checked out by one of their doctors and to make sure that my liver numbers were stable. No problems there and a couple nights later I was at home.

I have had to wear a neck brace 24/7 for the past 3 weeks and still have 3 to go but hopefully I will be able to get it off when I go back to the doctor on February 12.
Had a check up last week with the clinic and found out my liver numbers are GREAT!! I am now down to 5mg of prednisone a day. If everything is still good in March, I should be completely off of that nasty medication!